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The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge (SHRM BoCK™) is the basis for the SHRM credentials. The SHRM BoCK describes the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge which HR professionals need for effective job performance. The SHRM BoCK organizes eight behavioral competencies into three clusters: Leadership (Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice), Interpersonal (Relationship Management, Communication, Global & Cultural Effectiveness), and Business (Business Acumen, Consultation, Critical Evaluation). Additionally, the SHRM BoCK organizes 15 areas of HR knowledge which comprise the technical competency HR Expertise into three domains: People (HR Strategic Planning, Talent Acquisition, Employee Engagement & Retention, Learning & Development, Total Rewards), Organization (Structure of the HR Function, Organizational Effectiveness & Development, Workforce Management, Employee & Labor Relations, Technology Management), and Workplace (HR in the Global Context, Diversity & Inclusion, Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, U.S. Employment Law & Regulations*).



  • Earn 60 professional development credits (PDCs) within your 3-year recertification period.

  • Re-take the certification exam within the last year of your recertification period.


SHRM Recertification Process

You worked hard to earn it, now make sure to keep it! 

Earning your SHRM-CP or SHRM -SCP credential proves your competence in the field and your dedication to the profession; maintaining it shows you are commitment to self-improvement and HR excellence. Enhance competence, maintain relevance and maximize the value of your original investment by recertifying your SHRM Certification credential today!  

Two ways to recertify: 

  1. Earn 60 professional development credits (PDCs) within your three-year recertification cycle; OR 

  2. Re-take the certification exam within the last year of your recertification cycle.

Use the SHRM BoCK™ as your guide! 

HR professionals attain recertification by engaging in professional development activities that relate to the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge identified in the SHRM BoCK. The incorporation of competencies into the SHRM BoCK greatly expands the range of activities that will qualify for PDCs. 



There are two ways to recertify your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP: earn 60 professional development credits (PDCs) within a 3-year recertification cycle or retake the certification exam.


Begin the recertification process by logging into your Certification Portal. Here you’ll be able to submit recertification credits, apply to retake the exam, review the recertification handbook, and access the recertification application.

Certification Portal »


As a certified SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP, you will have an online profile and be able to track your PDCs throughout your 3-year recertification cycle ending on the last day of your birth month. Once your recertification application is complete and has been approved, your next 3-year recertification cycle will begin from your existing end date. 

You may submit your completed recertification application one year into your 3-year recertification cycle. If you complete your recertification cycle early, your end date will not change, and you may carry over up to 20 PDCs towards your new cycle.


  • Initial certification cycle: May 2016 (took exam)–July 2019 (birth month)

  • Recertified: December 2018

  • Next 3-year recertification cycle: July 2019–July 2022



You have the option to maintain your SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP by retaking the certification exam. If you choose to do so, you must:

  • Take the exam no earlier than within the last 12 months prior to the end of your 3-year recertification cycle.

  • Recertify only at the certification level you currently hold.

  • Complete the exam application process.

  • Pay the full examination fee.

  • If you plan on retaking the exam to renew your certification please contact for additional assistance.

If you do not pass the exam for recertification, your credential will be removed, and you will have to reapply and take the exam during a future exam window to become certified again. Additionally, you will not be able to pursue recertification through PDCs should you be unsuccessful in passing the exam for recertification.


Program Guidelines
SHRM Recertification Providers must adhere to the following program guidelines:

  1. Award PDCs for its individual program offerings.

  2. Use SHRM methodology to award the appropriate number of PDCs for individual offerings. Credit is awarded based on the actual educational time spent in the program. A minimum of 1 educational hour is required for a continuing education activity to qualify for PDC credit.
    PDCs are calculated in 15-minute increments. Each 15-minute increment = .25, or a quarter, of one hour.

    • 1-hour educational program = 1 PDC

    • 1-hour and 15 minute concurrent conference session = 1.25 PDCs

    • 3-hour e-learning course = 3 PDCs

  3. Enter into the online SHRM program database all required information for each individual program
    offering. Programs must be entered before they occur. Retroactive programs cannot be entered.

  4. Include a process for determining attendee participation for passive-format programs (e.g., webinars, videoconferences, self-directed e-learning).

  5. Ensure that qualifying programs are at least one hour (e.g., 45-minute presentation with 15-minute Q&A period). Individual conference sessions or sessions at a one- or multi-day seminar must follow this same format to qualify.

  6. Adhere to SHRM Recertification Provider seal usage guidelines when using the SHRM Recertification Provider seal on any publications (refer to the SHRM Recertification Provider Seal Guide for seal usage details), and add one of the following statements:

    • FULL STATEMENT: “[Organization Name] is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for [XX] PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit”

    • ABBREVIATED STATEMENT: “This program is valid for [XX] PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.”

  7. Provide program participants with verification of attendance (e.g., certificate of completion, e-mail notification, materials distributed onsite) that also shows the number of PDCs assigned to the educational activity and the date(s) attended.

  8. Comply with any verification requests conducted by SHRM and retain program documentation for a minimum of three years. (see Compliance & Verification below)

  9. Contact SHRM if person responsible for entering program information into the SHRM database changes.

  10. Retain attendance verification information for a 3-year period.


$500 for two years. (Includes $100 nonrefundable application processing fee.)

A reminder e-mail notification will be sent to a SHRM Recertification Provider approximately 90 days prior to the end of the 2-year SHRM Recertification Provider status period. The provider must submit its renewal application and appropriate fees before the end of the period.

Compliance & Verification
SHRM has a responsibility to maintain and protect the integrity of the SHRM Recertification Provider Program and the quality of educational offerings of SHRM Recertification Providers. Therefore, SHRM reserves the right to:

  1. Award SHRM Recertification Provider status only if all qualifications are met.

  2. Monitor program submissions as part of the SHRM verification process.

  3. Regularly select a random percentage of SHRM Recertification Providers for verification.

  4. Monitor proper use of the SHRM Recertification Provider seal.

  5. Request supporting documentation for specific programs from a SHRM Recertification Provider chosen for verification. Examples include:

    • Course Details

    • SHRM BoCK Alignment

    • Presenter’s Biography

    • Educational Hours = PDCs awarded

    • Course Evaluation

  6. Terminate SHRM Recertification Provider status if there is evidence of the provider's failure to uphold SHRM education criteria or comply with program guidelines (see Denial & Termination below).

Denial & Termination

SHRM aims to work with each SHRM Recertification Provider applicant to ensure a smooth application process. In the event a provider applicant is denied SHRM Recertification Provider status, an appeal of the decision may be made within 30 days. If the denial is upheld at the end of the appeals process, the applicant must wait one year from the original date of submission to reapply.

SHRM’s goal is to help rectify any application issues. In the event a SHRM Recertification Provider applicant is not in compliance with program standards or procedures and is denied SHRM Recertification Provider status, it will be notified by SHRM staff. The provider will have 30 days within which to comply with any conditions identified and to provide verification of corrective action taken. Failure to comply by the end of the 30-day probationary period may result in suspension or revocation of SHRM Recertification Provider status.

Ineligible Programming
The following is a list of examples of offerings/course titles that do not relate to the SHRM BoCK: 

  • Marketing skills techniques

  • Specific software tools

  • Basic office skills

  • Time management

In addition, the following activities do not qualify for PDCs, regardless of topic:

  • Programs that are less than 1 hour long.

  • Time spent in exhibit hall at a conference.

  • Presentations on the certification or recertification process.

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